Do not misunderstand their compassion in listening to your spoken lies to mean your smartness at convincing them, at deceiving them. Don't buy time, earn the trust.
That's how nature is, isn't it? Trees don't lie, animals do not deceive. Earth doesn't fake. In their being we have a strong bonding with it, a connection and a trust. Nature is proof that life exists on it's basis. The basis of authenticity.
As we invest, so we get returns

Your actual intent is translated as your karma not your smart words, which is pure excreta.
Deceiving others and worse still deceiving yourself, is such a destructive way of being. What appears to be a safe zone of existence, what we are doing is actually setting up landmines all around us. And landmines are landmines. Destructive!
Deceiving is an indication of lack of trust. Deep rooted and habitual way of being. So much so that we no longer are aware that we are being harmful to ourself to all around.

To build a relation, even with one's own self, a womb that nurtures needs to be created. We eternally exist in a womb. The womb has to be a healthy, nourishing, kind and compassionate culture. Where there is spiritual strength of honesty, integrity, trust, strong sense of oneness, faith in power of divine and a belief in one's own self. A womb that's poisoned can only cause death or warped life.

Life can no longer flourish. It becomes a diseased being. A disease only destroys. Destroys self and others.
No amount of cosmetics or clothing can conceal it. Even if you veil it from other's eye, you still know within that you are no longer at ease. You are disconnected, aloof and lack courage or confidence to connect with yourself and your environment. You are unrelated with yourself, leave alone forming a relation. No conversations, no connection. You are only talking to yourself and convincing yourself. Even when you talk to others, you are un related. No relations at all.
Deceiving yourself with fake sense of achievements
Life's worth and success if were measured by material possession, then the spirit would never have been a need of humanity. We would all be alone. It is the spirit that connects us.
If the spirit was not important, humanity would never evolve anyways. What is the human quest?
When you are not at peace, you fight, lack trust, see devils, get cheated. You feel comfortable only with the weak minded fake-sters. Even here you are constantly suspicious and struggling. You neither grow, nor prosper. Infact you try to pull others in this cesspool. You try fake jubilance over "achievements".
Is this the human quest? Unrelated, unreal... devastated and lacking courage to stand tall.
Beauty of Spirit

No one visits a gutter, we all love gardens. That's nature. Nature is too vast. Embrace the vastness of being, than clinging on to the mini-me and mine-mine.