Monday, 30 March 2020

Education – A Transcendental State

The education that we all need is very simple and basic. That should take us happily through life to the end of our days, without going to any institution. They are learnt and understood in the little moments of our life, when the mind and heart is free. Flashes of wisdom, insight and such. It may not occur to one, but it may to another, and yet it stands true for all. Like the joy of loving, caring, sharing – they can be transmitted to others.

Education is spontaneous, when you are open to it. It is not taught or learnt. It is a plain connect with the life force. And while it empowers one, it endows them with power to evoke the spirit of education in another. One can make efforts to create a culture in which it can flourish and take root effortlessly.

It is not academic, there is no percentile, pass or fail. No certificates or degrees.  No title.  We are all educating as long as we are connected with that space.

An educated person will love, share, be kind, greet, forgive, move on, have gratitude, respect, smile, laugh, open out, welcome, be generous, be inquisitive, curious, look at the sun, stars, birds, mud, leaves and is humble. They Imagine, Dream and Visualize. They have a childlike view and are very perceptive to the mysteries and wonders of the universe. The universe is in communication with them. All one needs to do is, tune in.

Education and Academics are not the same.

Education does not distinguish anything as right or wrong, good or bad. An educated being has a vast perception of a situation. Somewhat Zen like. Nothing is fixed.

Education makes one flexible and adaptable. An in-the-moment sensibility and sensitivity.

An educated one knows nothing. An educated one is not conditioned. Education is not fixity. Education remembers nothing. It is all in the very moment, complete presence. Education has no history.

Education knows no boundaries. It is a seamless state of being. Being educative is an attitude one can foster and develop.

The academics follow a rule dogmatically, till the rule outdoes itself and a new rule brought into existence, with a name, parameter and conditions. There are inventions and discoveries. There are explorations and adventures. There are definitions, qualities and formulae to adhere to.

Education has but one rule or parameter. It is simply an awakening or refining of the awareness. Nothing to invent or discover. There is realization and manifestation. If we could ask them, neither Kekule nor Newton nor Archimedes would be able to describe their moments of realization. It is very difficult to encapsulate that realization in a formula. Yet they tried to package it for others to use. But if you could ask them, what they had seen or experienced, it would have, possibly been, way beyond what was put on paper.  It is a humbling experience.

Educational "process" creates an environment where a person can connect with their own potentials and creativity. Their purpose and intent of life. In such an environment one is free to explore, develop and strengthen their personality to be free and expressive. Being educative and expressive, one is not limited by demarcations of streams of knowledge. Indeed there are demarcations for ease of approach and study in the academic world. However a creative mind seamlessly travels from science to literature to governance or any "subject". For them music could be science, art and commerce. Technical writing could be an expression of art. In reality it was like that before the academic streams came into existence.

Education is not imparted. It is an attitude of receiving / fine tuning into the universe's signals. We were all born in state of education. Breathing, smelling, sensing, feeling, ingesting without any cue. DNA?? Programming??

Yes, indeed, and yet somewhere the function of the DNA ends, the survival pattern of a species, and there is a spontaneous expansion of life.

Drop all the academic conditioning and see the unfolding of life in it’s purity. And purity is simple. It is basic. In it’s simplicity life manifests it’s true potential.

Academies are meant to cater to industries and society, education caters to life. And both need to be in balance.

Sunday, 1 March 2020

Being Who I Am

Let me be blunt about it, I cannot be sharp all the time.

To be alert about what i say, how i say. Measure, be cautious of what i am attracting.
i have to be alert, sharp of what? That i am presenting myself presentably to conform to someone?

People say things to you and move on. Making their judgments and observations about you. And guess what, they have not lived your life!

I am left stranded here, with who i am. Wondering what was that about. Is the other person's view of who i am, the person i am? Or is it their notion of me? My friend may be helpful in letting me know where i went wrong. But even my friend has not lived my life. I am not just that moment of someone's judgment of who i am, i am sum total of everything i have been through up till that moment. And they haven't been a part of the sum total. My decisions, my choices in the times i made them. It is convergence of so many events in my life. My thought process shaped by a history, that is still embedded in me. My nature still inside a shell which has been shaped by the hands of circumstances. I am already cautious, how much more could be, restricting myself from living wholly and completely without a sign of shame or regret for how i am. Rather a celebration of being me, as i am.

Your expectation of how i need to be more careful, choosy, cautious and sharp. Because in my Me-ness, i am vulnerable, unprotected and accessible to the predators. But the River must flow. I am River, i am vulnerable, my softness is my strength. My vulnerability my nature. My acceptance of my Me-ness is my confidence and language of expression.

Sharp is so "sharp". It is not soft, like i am. It is not smooth and fluid , like me. I am a river, i flow. I flow down the mountain, around it, in the valleys, through forests, past beautiful lives all around me. Playing with the wind, reflecting the sky and hugging the earth. I bury into the hardness of earth, i caress it's solidness and bring it to life. I am a blunt movement harmonizing with the nature's rhythm. I fall sharply at times down from the clouds as rain and mountainsides like a waterfall. I rise with the heat of the fire to the sky in utmost softness and joy. I am carried by the winds over various terrains. Sometimes turbulent, sometimes gentle drift.
I am tenacious enough to break through a solid rock, over centuries. I am willing to wait. I love the sharpness of my soft nature.
I build a hard sharp shell to protect my soft real me. I fill up the hard space and take it's form and i am yet the soft me. i am content.
Water i am, i am blunt, i am soft and feel at home on the Earth. Fire makes me break my limits, breeze is my vehicle. I am just water, voiceless, colorless and formless soft existence.
With earth i make forms of life's beauty and use. With air i snow to give rest to tired souls and bring rain to nurture life. With fire i make the clouds. With sky i float and in its light make colors of beautiful rainbow and clouds.
Let me be blunt about it, i cannot be sharp all the time.