Monday 4 May 2020

The need of the hour is...

04-05-2020 : Was shocked at what i saw today. I went out essential shopping, in my car. There was a long queue at Nature's Basket, with people maintaining distance, mask and the SD protocols, while shopping etc. On my way back, i see this massive crowd (more than 100) and a police SUV. People were being forced into line.

I was not too sure, but assumed it is for some essential... in suppressed thought i said "probably liquor". Went ahead and outside a shop i definitely knew to be a liquor shop, again there are 100s of people the line was longer than for essentials. Police SUV and trying to enforce the SD and Q and all. The janta was mostly, working class and in mid age group. And not even bothered about contact, distance or mask or whatever. The entire focus on getting the liquor. It was like a famine struck populace about to get their ration. Actually worse.
Immense devotion and commitment to...... ????
And.. this reminds me of "Let them eat cake."

BTW ... most of the others have their stocks in place.. They had their "setting". So i was told.

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