Monday, 15 June 2020

Gratitude / Self Reliance

There are agencies and institutions who have programmed us to believe we cannot live out of the system. We are richer or poorer depending on our alignment to that grid.

We are helpless and subject to Government and Religious rules and laws.

We haven't a clue, that we can grow our own grain, we can build our own homes, we can practically do everything that we need to live a complete life, without depending on a system, weaning us away from nature. The most nurturing and empowering system and structure is, that which has been provided by nature. Yet we have been hypnotised to follow the man with the dollar.

Life is actually very simple. Nature has programmed inside us, all that we need to do, to live in a wholesome manner. Though humans need to overcome greed, lust, fear, anger and jealousy.

The tribals around the world, be they in India, Africa, Latin America, New Zealand, anywhere they have tried telling us, but they have been silenced with false accusations and threats. However, nature is self healing.

Human has been compelled to connect with nature once again. However, we are yet to see through the capital structure. The web is not a superficial one, but one that has spread it's tentacles to our spirit. Our vision is limited by it's control.

For all the stuff being grown at home, observe the source, the soil, the fertilizers and chemicals too.

The awareness and the courage both needs to get finer and stronger.

Exercise contentment, Develop an attitude of gratitude. Share and Care. Love, Serve and Give to nature as she does to us.

Trying to salvage this blog :D 
In this particular blog, which is a knee jerk reaction, i haven't tied the ends too well. it went from one place to another. Basically a directive from an authority telling us that we are now permitted to be self reliant triggered this blog.
I am thankful that they remind us, of what is already embedded in our spirit; our connect with nature.
The other direction i skipped into is, awareness and courage.
Try to be as pure as you can, share your fruits with the other beings and non-beings. The chemicals kill them and it destroys the value of the produce. While we are self-reliant, share with the beings which are our partners in life on this earth. This needs our refined sense of awareness, and a courage to break away from pattern and follow your instinct. Not a social network stunt, but an authentic engagement. Fine tune, your connect and with a balance the ratio of parasite beings to produce is maintained. Avoid chemicals and GMOs. That is true self - reliance, use natural seeds for natural result.
Be mostly a gardener / farmer and only if absolutely needed a warrior.

Be aware, be grateful, be joyful... there is enough for all of us.

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