Friday 17 May 2019

A Spiritual Blaze of Glory

A Spiritual Blaze of Glory

Be Strong, Make Strong!

Be Positive and Glorious, be famous, be popular, be loved, be kind and confident, be "liked" and disliked" also and filled to the crown with self esteem and joy. After all, we have been gifted this, generously and without reservation, then why should you hold back your glory!!!! Use the setbacks as springboards to launch yourself. Life is a resource.

Be Negative, but don't stay negative. Try to explore the negativity to identify your weakness and develop a strengths to overcome them. 

Don't stay grounded. Don't only fly. Do both as and when.

Don't be strong.  Don't be weak. Stay balanced. You will need both to see you through in a more complete way.

Dont be ashamed of your beauty, your body, your self or how your life is. You are just as you should be. Your life and all the events are perfect and just the way it is meant to be. Nothing good or bad. They are for you to launch yourself.

Don't be arrogant, it robs you off  your beauty. Harshness is a pain inside of you. Deal with it. You don't need to hurt/insult/injure another to get even with life. Bitterness will bring on disease, sooner or later. 

Don't be apologetic.  Be an unabashed version of yourself with gratitude in your heart.

Dont worry about labels. Good or bad. Just stay focused on your goals. 

The entire purpose of being spiritual, is to render your resplendent individual personality fully and totally.

Accolades and Criticisms are excess baggages.

Dont even acknowledge/receive them. _/\_ and move on.

Stay Happy,  Stay Compassion,  Stay Steady, Stay Love.

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