Monday 20 May 2019

Knitting a beautiful shawl

My Mother in law, from whom i learnt a lot,  was a very talented and remarkable person. Of the many talents she had, she was skilled at knitting. When she wanted to correct a part,  on a line done early, she knew how to do it, without opening out the work to reach that line. She corrected it by going to that spot and doing some skilled un-knitting through the threads and correcting it. I thought that was amazing. The work was neat,  clean and without any trace of error. I was impressed. My own mother was very skilled, but i never got to learn from her, as she passed away, when i was little. Anyways i didn't learn this trick from my mother in law either.

Today when i think about it, in the spiritual context, i think of the life that we knit and the errors that sometimes bother us and we wish we could magically iron out. I have this thought,  that we need to change our attitude towards our past. That magic is in our thoughts. When we make it positive and understand that, it was all good, useful and made us the beautiful being that we are,  bingo, that apparently wrong bit vanishes. Everything is neat, nice and perfect. Actually the imperfection just blends in so beautifully with the rest of the pattern, that it no longer bothers you.

That magic of knitting is our thoughts, our attitude, our beliefs.

Every now and then, when we feel sad or dejected about the past, the correction required is in the quality of that memory. The event just blends in seamlessly making a beautiful pattern.  Adjust your reactions to that memory, and continue knitting that beautiful shawl of life you are weaving.

Image courtesy: And Winding Road Crochet

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